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- 天佳基因获得巢湖市天使基金股权投资
- 热烈祝贺我司乔迁之喜——扬帆再起航 砥砺更奋进
- 新品速递 | 天佳基因强力推出3款临床级WES检测项目(1)
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- 懂点儿基因 了解点技术 ——天佳基因2018年第一期业务培训会圆满举行
- 肿瘤预后基因检测
- 肿瘤精准用药基因检测
- 肿瘤化疗用药基因检测
- 肿瘤靶向用药基因检测
- 遗传性肿瘤综合性基因检测
- 遗传性肾细胞肿瘤基因检测
- 遗传性乳腺癌卵巢癌综合征基因检测
- 遗传性结直肠癌基因检测
- 高血压精准用药基因检测
- 儿童安全用药基因检测
- Ontogenetic Establishment of Order-specific Nuclear Organization in the Mammalian Thalamus
- Analysis of alterative cleavage and polyadenylation by 3′ region extraction and deep sequencing
- Mutant p53 Disrupts Mammary Acinar Morphogenesis via the Mevalonate Pathway
- A rare leucine codon in adpA is implicated in the morphological defect of bldA mutants of Streptomyces coelicolor
- A 20-gene model for molecular nodal staging of bladder cancer: development and prospectiveassessment
- Biomarkers for prognosis and treatment selection in advanced bladder cancer patients
- The B73 maize genome: complexity, diversity, and dynamics
- Sequence and analysis of rice chromosome 4.
- Genome-wide patterns of genetic variation among elite maize inbred lines
- Clustering RNA structural motifs in ribosomal RNAs using secondary structural alignment
- Genomic prediction contributing to a promising global strategy to turbocharge gene banks
- Analysis of Arabidopsis genome-wide variations before and after meiosis and meioticrecombination by resequencing Landsberg erecta and all four products of a single meiosis
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- 国民党荣誉副主席蒋孝严盛赞半汤生物谷基因技术“后发先至”!
- 顶级对话:天佳基因与诺奖得主探讨癌症免疫治疗!
- 主流媒体聚焦天佳基因,安徽卫视新闻联播重磅报道!
- 安徽省长李国英莅临大基因中心指导工作
- 省经信委党组书记、主任牛弩韬调研合肥半汤生物经济实验区
- 一组漫画演绎“CAR-T”剿灭癌细胞的传奇故事!
- 科技︱CAR-T基因疗法能攻克肿瘤?看看合肥大基因中心专家怎么说——
- 合肥市委常委、巢湖市委书记胡启生调研合肥半汤生物经济实验区
- 原杜邦先锋生物技术研发副总裁Mike Lassner博士到访半汤大基因中心
- “梦想在这里起航”天佳基因2017年秋季全国校园招聘启动
电话: | 18019949754 |
传真: | 0551-85200988 |
Email: | info@tianjiagenomes.com |
地址: | 安徽省合肥市巢湖市旗麓路16号安徽居巢经济开发区中科先进制造产业园 |